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Membership Benefits

CTB Memberships come with several added benefits:


Your CTB membership entitles you to discounts on monthly training compared to passes, as well as discounts on leagues, camps, clinics, and other CTB services.

Unlimited Future Reservations

You'll be able to reserve your spot in our trainings for as far out as you like, unlike passes which only allow you to reserve for the number of sessions on your pass. When you have a membership you never have to worry about losing your spot!

Early Access

You'll be the first to know about CTB special events such as camps and clinics, and you'll be first in line to reserve your spot during a members-only registration period.


CTB Memberships are super flexible! 

Going to miss your regular class? No problem! Just give us 24 hours notice and we'll get you rescheduled for a make-up session, anytime from the next day to four weeks from the date of your missed session. 

Got vacation or holiday plans? No problem! Just pause your membership to stop all renewal charges until you unpause. In addition, for pauses of a month or less you get to keep all your future training reservations.

With make-ups and pauses, CTB memberships fit your busy family calendar.

More to Come

We're constantly thinking of ways to add to the perks of membership. Stay tuned!

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